Born in Switzerland to an Austrian mother and a Moroccan father, Yasmine Belmahi grew up between Rabat, Paris and Naples. In parallel to her studies in cinema, she wrote her first article for the review of the Arab World Institute (IMA) in Paris. Back in Morocco, she collaborated with numerous magazines. For her, journalism is an exciting way to meet those who create, by opening herself to singular and plural universes at the same time. Yasmine does so by relying on her belonging to two worlds and on the deep feeling of belonging to different geographical areas and cultures.
Hicham Houdaïfa was born in Casablanca in 1969. He has been a journalist since 1996 and has worked for several media outlets. He is now a regular contributor to “La Vie économique” weekly. During his career, he worked mainly on societal subjects: freedom of worship, women's rights, the situation of sub-Saharan migrants, and other issues. He is co-founder with journalist Kenza Sefrioui of “En Toutes Lettres”, a publishing house specializing in journalistic essays, where he leads “Investigations” collection.
Journalist and director, specialized in subjects of society and culture, Maya Larguet is also in love with the French language. Therefore, for the "100" project, she gladly accepted to lend herself to the game of proofreading, consistent with this motto that people attribute to French novelist Gustave Flaubert: "The most beautiful girl in the world Is not worth the comma put in her place. "
Nicolas Mehdi Ouchagour holds a bachelor’s degree in cinema from the Bordeaux III University. His field: the world of image. His professional experience as assistant-director and photographer has enabled him to increase his know-how and sharpen it. Nonetheless, within the "100" project, it was as a production assistant that he intervened. And perhaps he is discovering a new calling ...
Publishing Artistic Director
Born in the South of France, Tarik El Jouhari began his career in the Web in the late 1990's in Casablanca. It is with Nadia Larguet that he made his first steps in the world of TV and then directed a few short films and documentaries. In parallel, he continues his journey as artistic director in the world of communication and publishing.
Web developer
Amine Griche was born in Casablanca in 1990. He has been a web developer since 2005. Passionate about computer science since he was fifteen, he began his career as a programmer at an early stage, becoming an expert in web design programming languages. Today he continues his journey as a support manager in digital communication.
Hassan El Kantaoui, born in 1957 in Meknes, holds a bachelor's degree in law from Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fez, in Political Science. Since 1988, he has devoted himself to translation, his passion. Being a sworn translator registered with the Court of Appeals in Rabat, Hassan El Kantaoui, now runs a translation office in the capital city.
Yassine Oulamine, born in Rabat in 1962, holds a master's degree in Applied Foreign Languages (L.E.A.) from the School of Arts & Humanities of the Aix-en-Provence university, in France. He worked successively in banking and then in journalism before embarking on what he likes most, namely interpretation, translation and communication. Based in Casablanca, he mainly works as a conference interpreter and translator in English, French, Spanish and Arabic, both in Morocco and abroad.