
"At one point in my career, I wondered how to reconcile my two passions, journalism and tourism. I launched my Tourisma Post website, quickly referenced as the online newspaper of the tourism sector”, explains Ahlam Jebbar. One can sometimes see the entrepreneur and journalist hold meetings, write and design in one of the large hotels of the country: "I would have liked to live in a hotel, a space through which a lot of people transit. We feed on other people’s energy, don’t we?”, she says. Her skills add up to a precocious desire to enhance the image of her country that her parents left when Ahlam was two-years old: "For personal reasons, my family settled in Paris, where I grew up, but I have never felt at ease psychologically”. Ahlam Jebbar returned to Morocco “by choice” and enrolled in the International Institute of Tourism in Tangiers but it is in the press industry where she began her career. “I spent seven years at “La Vie économique” weekly during the nice years with Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber. She then immersed herself in the world of television and worked for 2M TV within the Francophone television news team. In 2003, she became a correspondent for “L'Express” magazine but her impetus for journalism became exhausted: "I wanted to do communication”, she says. She then became counselor to Agriculture minister Aziz Akhannouch and, for four years, had no rest. Then she returned to journalism by collaborating with “Le Courrier de l'Atlas” magazine. Armed with a solid experience and a well-furnished address book, this wife and mother of two children quickly established herself in the field of the online tourist press: "I am introduced as ‘the boss’. For me, this word does not mean anything. The noblest profession in this sector remains that of journalist. "


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