Actress - Director

Latefa impresses with her aplomb and courage. When she appeared on stage in a swimsuit in the “Capharnaum” play in 2010, she provoked the virulent indignation of some circles. Latefa Ahrrare is not afraid. Her body is her instrument, the one with which she asserts her freedom: "This play, I made it as a tribute to my father who died in 2009, a deep wound that does not heal. The actress is not afraid of words: "I like my spontaneity. It surprises me! Between me and me there is the sentence. Over the years, the various activities of this proactive woman have continued to nourish each other. 
There is the actress, the director, the teacher... "Does not all of this reveal a desire to overcome death?
”, she wonders. Born in Meknes of Amazigh parents, Latefa Ahrrare grew up in several cities, Fez, Tan-Tan, Oujda, and Guercif: "My father was a soldier. With each new appointment, I lost my roots", she says. As a teenager, she wanted to become famous: "I told myself that I would not be a simple identification number, as is the case for soldiers. In 1990, when she was only sixteen, she was asked to play the role of a spoiled girl in Abdelatif Ayachi’s “Bent Lafchouch”. She found her way on that day: "In order to play, one needs the love of oneself and that of others”. Once she secured her degree as an actress, she ceaselessly made films and theatrical creations one after another, Directors Daoud Aoulad-Syad, Tony Gatlif, Raouf Sebbahi, Daniel Gervais and Hicham Lasri had her play in their films. She played on stage the creations of authors of whom she is fond, like Tennessee Williams, Rainer Fassbinder, Harold Pinter, and Mahmoud Darwich, and creates citizen projects like the "Container Art" for the "democratization of culture". She plans to produce a first documentary, "a way to recover the initial dynamics".


100 Femmes

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