Human Rights Activist

Latifa Bouchoua discovered human rights during her childhood. She grew up in an activist family. Her father was a political prisoner and her mother was very active with the families of detainees. Upon graduation, she embarked on the struggle for women's rights. "The issue of women and the change in their status are at the heart of democratic and modernist trends that we want for Morocco," insists Latifa Bouchoua who participated in the founding of the Democratic League for Women's Rights, the current Federation of Women's Rights Leagues, of which she became the president in 2016. The NGO acts on several fronts, including the essential one of advocacy. The NGO networks with other organizations, national and international, for the establishment of human rights, and for the fight against discriminations and gender-based violence. The organization has also set up a number of entities to make a concrete contribution in this direction: the Space for the Future that targets young people, the Information and Observation Center for the Promotion of Women's Rights and the Solidarity Action Foundation. The non-governmental organization may be proud for having created the Injad Network for the fight against Gender-Based Violence, which has no fewer than 14 reception and referral centers for women who are victims of violence. For instance, the Tilila center in Had Soualem (South of Casablanca) hosts nearly forty women with their children. A great pride for Latifa Bouchoua, a feminist who contributes to the evolution of mentalities on a daily basis.


100 Femmes

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