Single mother
Single mother. Like other thousands of women, Majda Ez-Ouhri found
herself as the single mother of a little girl. In Morocco, where the status of unwed mothers is
not recognized and even liable to imprisonment for out-of-wedlock sexual intercourse,
the stigmatization of these women is systematic. Majda Ez-Ouhri's profile is quite atypical compared
to the majority of other unmarried mothers. Majda holds a bachelor's degree,
and took training in hospitality and management. After a love story, Majda got pregnant. "It was very hard
at first because I had to hide this fact to my
family and my surroundings. It was
not at all obvious to handle this situation alone”, recalls Majda Ez-Ouhri. Conscious of the fact that
in Morocco her position is very delicate, she insisted on doing everything so
that nothing interferes in the future of her child that she wants to protect at
all costs. She
was helped by the Casablanca “Insaf” association to give a legal existence to
her daughter. She
earns her living by working in a call center and dreams of a family life. But she concludes,
discouraged: "In Morocco, it is not easy for a single mom to rebuild her