
Born in the city of Chaouen, Naima Zitan discovered at a very young age a passion for theater. After getting her junior high school degree, she naturally joined the Higher Institute of Dramatic Art and Cultural Activities in Rabat, where she graduated in 1994. The same year, she founded the Aquarium Theater association with the goal of promoting women's rights and equality between genders through art. Naima multiplied performances and all her plays are in the service of a cause to defend, and of a reality to be exposed to the public, a reality that is sometimes disturbing but always feminist. Naima gives a voice to women who are inmates or marginalized and is interested in the subjects covered by taboo, such as sexual intercourse, the female body or the legal status of women. "There is for me a need to work on this kind of subjects. These are issues that have always challenged me as a director, but also as a woman”, she insists. “Mouchahanate”, “Before breakfast”, “Squadron on the Road to Death”, “Women’s Stories”, and “Dialy”: Naima Zitan staged some fifteen plays from different authors in just more than twenty years.


100 Femmes

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