President of an NGO
Since 2006, Najia Adib has made of the fight against child crimes her hobbyhorse. Behind her commitment there is a family tragedy and the desire that the crimes committed against children no longer go unpunished”. At the time, this subject was still taboo. For me, it was absolutely necessary to break the silence. Not doing so could almost suggest that it was an encouragement to pedophilia. As soon as she takes a case, the association “Touche pas à mes enfants” takes care of the case, lodges a complaint with the Prosecutor, orders reports to the child psychiatrist, or even the forensic pathologist, and offers psychological support and legal protection for victims ... The non-governmental organization also organizes awareness-raising campaigns in schools, orphanages, holiday camps and beaches. After all these years of advocacy and struggle on the ground, prison sentences against child sex offenders have become more significant, reaching up to thirty years. But this is not enough for Najia Adib who never gives up. Named in 2009 as ambassador of the Arab Childhood, this woman continues to wage a war, with courage and abnegation, against all those who abuse a child.