Journalist - Writer

"Parity is a distant horizon that one dreams of reaching; Equality a figment of the imagination for a large part of the population, writes journalist and writer Narjis Rerhaye who has been analyzing the company for nearly three decades. Her calling was encouraged by her mother: "She taught us to stand. Dignity was not an empty word”, says Narjis. Her journalistic studies barely finished in Rabat, she saw her first press experience in the daily Al Maghrib, "with Mustapha Iznasni and Najib Refaïf, my mentors". She stayed there for six years. In 1992 her books “Women and Politics” and “Women and Media”, co-authored with Latifa Akharbach, are published by “Le Fennec” publishers, and in 2008, “La Parenthèse désenchantée”, co-written with Habib El Malki is published by 
“la Croisée des Chemins” publishers. Narjis was working for the “Al Bayane” daily when the first Socialist government was established. Narjis left the press momentarily, when His Majesty King Mohammed VI established the Moroccan Truth Commission (“Equity and Reconciliation Commission”) for which she worked, then returned to the world of the press. From her eight years at “Libération”, under the direction of Mohamed El Yazghi, she keeps an intense memory: "I have never been denied the right to write about a subject, whether it is about human rights, denunciation of abuses, taboos, equality between and women in terms of inheritance rights, or other issues. . It was an incredible space of freedom!”, says Narjis who has an extremely clear vision of the role of journalists: “We are scouts and transmission vectors between the information and the reader. At the age of thirty-eight, Narjis met her future husband: "I loved him right away whereas I was a convinced bachelor! From this union a girl was born in 2006, Illy, her passion. Currently, Narjis Rerhaye focuses on a story that is particularly close to her heart, that of her cancer: "It was a fight but today I am alive. As the late French TV producer Jean-Luc Delarue said of his illness: "We only live twice!" "


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