Sociologist - Writer
by training, Souad El Alaoui Ben Hachem, author of “Lis les ratures” and
of “Lalla khalti ou la vie au féminin”, published in 2002 and 2003 respectively
by Éditions Eddif publishers, also became known to the general public by
publishing by the same publisher a collection of eleven short stories entitled
“I feel bad inside of me”, a book that is a landmark and depicts people who are
victims of sexual harassment. These stories from real life have the merit of
revealing the relations of power between women and men in the field of
sexuality. The “I feel bad inside of me” book
explores one of the most violent problems of contemporary Morocco and of which women
are the main victims, namely harassment and rape: "It was necessary to
break the silence, to have the courage to speak about it and to testify for other
women, for all other women”. Souad El Alaoui Ben Hachem was aware that in this
country everything that touches the body is taboo but she took up the challenge
of writing this book. Her goal: to break the silence and put an end to the
hypocrisy of a whole society and especially to envisage solutions to these
evils. Her role model? Her father, "a man exceptionally ahead of
his time and who repeated to my sisters and me that the key to our happiness
was our moral and financial independence."