Emergency doctor

Wafaa has been managing the Casablanca Samusocial emergencies service since 2009. Wafaa Bahous has made of assistance to the most precarious people of the business capital her calling. Her mission is to manage emergencies. The entity where she works is the first link in a chain of solidarity and fight against social exclusion. And if those who work there can carry out their task with such efficiency, it is also because they know that they will be able to rely on other NGO and institutional relays to take care of the management of patients once the emergency has been treated. Children and women are the main beneficiaries of accommodation at the ‘”Samusocial” center, but also the homeless who receive medical, psychological and social benefits. The center has thirty-two beds, with a day service open to all the public. People in very precarious situations thus have access to hygiene care, medical follow-up and administrative and legal support. Wafaa Bahous dreams of a Morocco where citizens would be more willing to volunteer. She tirelessly hammers that the gift is not limited to the coin that is given to the beggars. Moreover, she said, begging is a complex issue: 
"This can be a problem for us.
 As long as there are people who give money away in the street, some of the audience targeted by our action is not reached by the assistance that we propose. So it's sometimes complicated to play our role fully. "


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